Saturday, June 16, 2007

Starting a new sampler

I started my first cross stitch sampler recently, and I've realized that it's much hard to keep your place than on a regular design. I have just spent an evening unpicking a single stitch border. No fun. Apparently in the repeating pattern I missed a stitch, and so half the work I had done needed to be undone. Now I'm back at the place where I messed up, but I think I'll take a break and start something new.

In April I discovered The Gift of Stitching, an online magazine for cross stitchers and had to subscribe right away. One of the features of the magazine is publshing a sampler in parts, a 'mystery sampler'. Well, The 18th Century Band Sampler by Long Dog Samplers was their 4 part myster sampler. I dicovered it at Part 3, and decided to take this one on. Now I finally have all the items I ned to start, and I've stitched the edges of the fabric with my handy dandy new Stitch Pro tabletop sewing machine (bought it for $30 on Amazon).

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