Friday, February 12, 2010

knitting backwards

I'm participating in the Ravelympics again this go around (knitting olympics in time with the Olympics) and we're now past the halfway mark, and I'm knitting backwards. I'm far behind, but I should also say that I've had house guests for the past two weekends so when I thought I would be knitting I was out on the town instead. Really, a better outcome. But now, I'm sitting here looking at this little sister's dress I'm making and wondering how I'm ever going to finish by the crazy deadline know, I don't even know what day the Olympics end? Okay I've just Googled it and the end is February 28th, so I have one weekend left. Phew!! Because as it is, I'm going to have to knit every night for hours in order to make it even close. And tonight? Tonight I'm knitting backwards. Last night I did the row where I join in the round, and switch colors, and somehow I knit the increase row, instead of just knitting. ARGH! So I'm unknitting the ONE row that I managed to knit this weekend while catching up on episodes of House when I should be going to bed. Oh well. I never go to bed on time anyway. And I need to have this sorted so that when I go to knitting tomorrow I can just fly.

If you're tuned in to Ravelry, here's my project.

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