Thanks to gleek and her impromptu blog, I have discovered Improv Everywhere. I will link straight to the clip that got me hooked.
If I walked in on a scene like this, my mind would jump immediately to that alien invasion/chemical warfare/Armageddon place. Seeing it on YouTube? Fantastic. Check out the main group site too, strange stuff. I've always had a hard time accepting performance art as "true art". Having gone through art school and created my own required performance art pieces, the question for me is whether putting a normal action into the the context of performance art really makes it art? What is the significance? Mission statement? Does it have to be stated to make a point across, or is that cancelling out the performance itself?
Here is another performance art piece done by one of the clients my company has worked with, Liz Lerman Dance Exchange and Bowen McCauley Dance involving construction equipment.
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